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Psychedelic font

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Rendering a peice of text, starting with a large stroke width and gradually
reducing the stroke width can produces a pleasing visual effect.


function psychedelicFont()
    $draw = new \ImagickDraw();
    $name = 'Danack';



    for ($strokeWidth = 25; $strokeWidth > 0; $strokeWidth--) {
        $hue = intval(170 + $strokeWidth * 360 / 25);
        $draw->setStrokeColor("hsl($hue, 255, 128)");
        $draw->setStrokeWidth($strokeWidth * 3);
        $draw->annotation(60, 165, $name);

    //Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into
    $imagick = new \Imagick();
    $imagick->newImage(650, 230, "#eee");

    //Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object
    //into the image.

    //Send the image to the browser
    header("Content-Type: image/png");
    echo $imagick->getImageBlob();