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Deconstruct gif

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ImageMagick has the ability to dramatically the file size of gifs that contain a large amount of
area that is static.

It does this by analyzing the frames, detected which parts are not changing, and excluding
those areas from being written to the Gif for the frames where there is no movement.

This optimization only works for images where there is a large amount of absolutely static image.
It does not work for Gifs created from a video.

For the image below the normal vs the deconstructed file sizes are:
Normal image:  2,133,864 bytes
Deconstructed:   108,772 bytes

Normal image:

Deconstructed image:


function makeSimpleGif($deconstruct)
    $aniGif = new \Imagick();

    $circleRadius = 20;
    $imageFrames = 40;
    $imageSize = 200;

    $background = new \Imagick();
    $background->newpseudoimage($imageSize, $imageSize, "plasma:tomato-steelblue");

    $blackWhite = new \Imagick();
    $blackWhite->newpseudoimage($imageSize, $imageSize, "gradient:black-white");

    $backgroundPalette = clone $background;
    $backgroundPalette->quantizeImage(240, \Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB, 8, false, false);

    $blackWhitePalette = clone $blackWhite;
    $blackWhitePalette->quantizeImage(16, \Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB, 8, false, false);


    for ($count=0; $count<$imageFrames; $count++) {
        $drawing = new \ImagickDraw();
        $drawing->setStrokeColor('rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.8)');
        $strokeWidth = 4;
        $distanceToMove = $imageSize + (($circleRadius + $strokeWidth) * 2);
        $offset = ($distanceToMove * $count / ($imageFrames -1)) - ($circleRadius + $strokeWidth);
        $drawing->translate($offset, ($imageSize / 2) + ($imageSize / 3 * cos(20 * $count / $imageFrames)));
        $drawing->circle(0, 0, $circleRadius, 0);

        $frame = clone $background;

    if ($deconstruct == true) {
        $aniGif = $aniGif->deconstructImages();

    header("Content-Type: image/gif");
    echo $aniGif->getImagesBlob();