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This method can be used to query image width, height, size, and format without reading the whole image to memory. This method is available if Imagick has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.2.9 or newer.
This method can be used to query image width, height, size, and format without reading the whole image in to memory.

For file: https://phpimagick.com//images/Biter_500.jpg

Width is 500
Height is 400


$image = new \Imagick();
$img_url = "https://phpimagick.com/" . normalisePublicFilePath($this->imageControl->getImagePath());
$fp = fopen($img_url, 'rb');
$output .= "For file: " . $img_url . " <br/><br/>";
$output .= "Width is " . $image->getImageWidth() . "<br/>";
$output .= "Height is " . $image->getImageHeight() . "<br/>";