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Import image pixels

← implodeImage   kmeansImage →
Imports pixels from an array into an image. The map is usually 'RGB'. This method imposes the following constraints for the parameters: amount of pixels in the array must match width x height x length of the map. This method is available if Imagick has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.4.5 or newer.


function shadePixel($value, $r, $g, $b)
    $result = [];
    $result[] = intval($r * $value / 64);
    $result[] = intval($g * $value / 64);
    $result[] = intval($b * $value / 64);

    return $result;

function importImagePixels()
    $width = 320;
    $height = 200;
    //$imagick = new \Imagick();

    $imagick = new \Imagick();//;"magick:logo");

    for ($loop = 0; $loop<=255; $loop += 8) {
        $frame = new \Imagick();
        $frame->newPseudoImage($width, $height, "xc:black");

        for ($y=0; $y<$height; $y++) {
            $pixels = [];
            for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
                $pos = sqrt(($x * $x) + ($y * $y));
                $pos = (256 + $pos - $loop) % 256;
                if ($pos < 64) {
                    $rgbColor = shadePixel($pos, 255, 0, 0);
                else if ($pos < 128) {
                    $rgbColor = shadePixel($pos - 64, 0, 255, 0);
                else if ($pos < 192) {
                    $rgbColor = shadePixel($pos - 128, 0, 0, 255);
                else {
                    $rgbColor = shadePixel($pos - 192, 255, 0, 255);
                list($r, $g, $b) = $rgbColor;
                $pixels[] = $r;
                $pixels[] = $g;
                $pixels[] = $b;
                0, $y,
                320, 1,


    header("Content-Type: image/gif");
    echo $imagick->getImagesBlob();
